Despite this being my first post on this site, I am not new to blogging, specifically in the personal finance space. I write this post on the Sunday before selling the website I started way back in 2008, as a newly married, recent law school grad, with a very negative net worth. While the site provided a very nice side income over the years, I think the most important thing it did for me was keep me accountable even if it was just to myself. I outlined almost every single financial move I made from 2008 to 2016/2018 (the interest in writing waned in the later years).
A lot has changed since then, however, there is still a desire to keep myself accountable to something. I don’t believe this site will ever be as large/popular/as trafficked as the other one, but at this point in my life that doesn’t really matter to me – I am happy to have a little corner on the internet to force myself to write about my opportunities, gains, losses, and final decisions.
My plan is pretty straightforward – discuss all those personal finance aspects that I find interesting, which I think will be my accumulation of assets (hence the name). It is likely to change over time, but while building the site today I think the main assets I’ll be discussing are:
- Publicly Traded Stocks
- Dividend Investing
- Investment Clubs
- Options Trading
- Real Estate
- Primary Residence
- Current and Future Rental Property
- Permanent Life Insurance
- Any future businesses that may present themselves
- …and finally monthly net worth updates