Yesterday I wrote up my plan for the smaller positions (i.e. sell them off), and I followed through already. Now I am just left with the larger issue of any holding worth more than $1,000 needs to be looked at. It is my hope that the quantitative review below will remove the amount of work I need to do on the qualitative side. Notwithstanding, that means this post is going to take me a few days if not a week or more to write.

Quantitative Review and Sales

  • AFL – P/E of around 11; Dividend Yield of about 2%; Payout Ratio of around 23%; 40 years of constant dividend growth. Keeper.
  • ORI – P/E of around 9; Dividend Yield of 3.35%; Payout Ratio of 31%; 36 years of constant dividend growth. Keeper.
  • CB – P/E of around 13; Dividend Yield of 1.53%; Payout Ratio of 20%; 14 years of constant dividend growth. More Research Needed based on Yield.
  • CTBI – P/E of around 10; Dividend Yield of 4%; Payout Ratio of 39%; 43 years of constant dividend growth. Keeper.
  • ADM – P/E of around 10; Dividend Yield of around 2.4%; Payout Ratio of 24%; 49 years of constant dividend growth. Keeper.
  • EMR – P/E of around 4.17; Dividend Yield of 2.17%; Payout Ratio of 56%; 66 years of constant dividend growth. Keeper
  • MGRC – P/E of around 15; Dividend Yield of 1.57%; Payout Ratio of 34%; 31 Years of Constant Dividend Growth. More Research Needed Based on Yield.
  • CSL – P/E of around 19; Dividend Yield of 1.09%; Payout Ratio of 19%; 47 years of constant dividend growth. More Research Needed Based on Yield.
  • PH – P/E of around 20; Dividend yield of 1.31%; Payout Ratio of 30%; 77 years of constant dividend growth. More Research Needed Based on Yield
  • RTX – P/E of around 37; Dividend Yield of 2.92%; Payout Ratio of 102%; Few years of dividend growth. Sell – with a P/E of 37, Payout Ratio of over 100% and only a few years of growth. If I remember correctly this was received off the UTX spin-off, so I am not particularly convinced they are interested in a dividend based investor.
  • WLK – P/E of around 15; Dividend Yield of 1.4%; Payout Ratio of 16%; 17 years of dividend growth. Keeper.
  • CINF – P/E of around 10; Dividend yield of 2.93%; Payout Ratio of 26%; 25 years of dividend growth. Keeper
  • SJM – P/E of around 13; Dividend yield of 3.4%; Payout Ratio of 43%; 26 years of dividend growth. Keeper.
  • CARR – 21 P/E; Dividend yield of 1.34%; Payout Ratio of 49%; 2 years of dividend growth. This was a UTX spin off – additional research needed to see if board is committed to dividend growth.
  • SON – P/E of around 10; dividend yield of 3.64%; payout ratio of about 40% with 40 years of dividend growth. Keeper.
  • MS – P/E of around 16; Dividend yield of 3.75%; Payout Ratio of 57% and only 10 years of dividend growth. More Research Needed Based on Payout Ratio.
  • GD – P/E of 21; Dividend Yield of 2.09%; Payout Ratio of 42%; 32 Years of dividend growth. Keeper.
  • CHRW – PE of 22; 2.89% dividend yield; Payout Ratio of 73.78%; 24 years of dividend growth. More Research Needed Based on payout ratio.
  • OTIS – PE of 26; 1.52% dividend yield; Payout Ratio of 37%; 2 years of dividend growth. This was another UTX spin off – additional research needed to see if the board is committed to dividend growth.
  • XOM – P/E of 9; Dividend Yield of 3.74%; Payout Ratio of 36%; 41 years of dividend Growth. Keeper
  • NWFL – Sell. This may be a very shitty answer but this company doesn’t have automatic dividend reinvestment which makes compounding a labor of remembering to buy a share or two every time there is a dividend. I hardly remember so I am just deciding to get out of the equity.
  • CAH -P/E of 166. I am out regardless of the rest of the metrics. Looks like they have a smaller forward P/E but with this many holdings I don’t have to hope the earning estimates are right.
  • RBCAA – P/E of 12; Dividend yield of 2.78%; Payout Ratio of 38%; Dividend growth of 22 years. Keeper.

Tomorrow I will be selling CAH, RTX and NWFL, and sometime next week I’ll look into the qualitative aspects mentioned for the others