At the beginning of this year I decided it was time to force myself to look at my debt picture more than just once a month. So, I came up with a plan to organize, track, share and attack the debt. I am hesitant to write this post, which makes me realize how important it is!

Just like with my net worth posts I don’t really feel comfortable sharing actual numbers (even though this website probably has a total of 11 viewers per month). So I am going to share it in terms of a percentage. Today is update #1 and so we are at 100% levels. If tier 1 or tier 2 debt becomes higher we are going north of 100%.
My goal is to take account of these numbers not just once a month, but twice – once around the 15th of the month and the second when I do my net worth statement. I think doubling the amount of time that I see these numbers will affect how much I try to attack them